Welcome to McGlone Academy | ¡Bienvenidos y Bienvenidas!

At McGlone Academy we ensure all learners achieve excellence in academics and the arts, while simultaneously empowering kids, families, and staff in our Montbello community as diverse and equitable changemakers.

En McGlone Academy nos aseguramos de que todos los estudiantes alcancen la excelencia en lo académico y las artes, al mismo tiempo que empoderamos a los niños, las familias y el personal de nuestra comunidad de Montbello como agentes de cambio diversos y equitativos.

McGlone News | Noticias de McGlone

Important Update on Return to School

Update From Denver Public Schools Actualización de las escuelas públicas de Denver. haga clic aquí para español Dear DPS Community, Last week, we shared with you that the increasing spread of COVID-19 in the Denver community is causing severe staffing shortages that affect our ability to offer in-person learning for early childhood education programs,… Continue Reading

UPDATED: Return to In-Person Start Times

Return to In-Person School Start Times:  Students will arrive to school in staggered times in order to maintain social distancing. These staggered times are not windows, but rather, specific report times for all students. ECE- 8:25 a.m.K-1- 8:05 a.m.2nd- 8:10 a.m.3-5th -8:15 a.m.6-8th- will remain in remote learning through the end of the semester New Dismissal Time The school day ends at 2:45 pm…. Continue Reading

Remote Learning Links

Information on what platforms will be used for remote learning per grade level, plus useful websites and applications to keep bookmarked!… Continue Reading
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School Events | Eventos de la Escuela

Rigorous & Joyful Learning
Back to School Night Event
Rigorous & Joyful Learning
Rigorous & Joyful Learning
Rigorous & Joyful Learning