Exceptional Student Services

Lory Alcivar

SPED Teacher

Paulina Gutierrez

ECE-2 ELA-S Reading Intervention

My name is Paulina Gutierrez. I am from Ecuador and I have lived in Colorado for 28 years. I graduated from Metro State University and I got my master’s degree from Colorado University (CU). I have worked in DPS for 17 years, the last 10 years I have worked at McGlone Academy. I love to travel, I love music, and I enjoy reading good books. My passion definitely is teaching.

A quote that I try to live by:

“A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.” —Nelson Mandela

Yuki Hu

SPED Teacher

I graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education and Cognitive Studies. I started my teaching career in Nashville, TN. I have been loving the beautiful sunshine in Denver and working with students and families in this community. Outside of teaching, I play the bassoon and piano, and I enjoy cooking and baking. I have also been learning Spanish – I can’t yet do the rolled “r” though!

A quote that I try to live by:

热爱可抵岁月漫长(Passion makes life worth living)

Wanda Matt

Special Education/Instructional Coach for SPED

A quote that I try to live by:

“All students can learn and succeed, but not in the same way and not on the same day.” —William G. Spady

Kristin McIlroy

ECE-2 ELA-E Reading Intervention

Sun Coates

Speech/Language Pathologist