Category: Featured News

Electives Newsletter

Dear McGlone Family, Take a look at what ECE-2 specials classes have been up to! Be on the lookout for another update next quarter.

Delayed two hours

All DPS schools and administrative offices will be delayed two hours on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, due to severe weather. All school-related events and activities are also delayed two hours for the safety of our students and staff members.

Coffee with Parents / Café con Padres

Hello McGlone Community, Please join us for our Coffee with parents with our Admin Team. This Coffee with Parents will be held on Tuesday, January 14th at two different times: 8:30-9:15 AM. & 3:30-4:15 PM., in the Cottage located inContinue Reading

MLE DAC on Wednesday, Sept. 25

The Denver Public Schools invites all to the Multilingual Education (MLE) District Advisory Committee (DAC) on Wednesday, Sept. 25 from 5-7 p.m. at Montbello Middle School. They are kicking off the year with an MLE Parent Academy. Parents will learnContinue Reading

Soccer Schedule / Horario de Partidos

Dear McGlone Community, Please see our Soccer Schedule and do your best to join us. We’d like to have your support and participation in this Soccer Season. We intend to coach this team up to the highest level of theContinue Reading

Back to School Night

Dear McGlone Community, We look forward to meeting all the families at back-to-school night on Thursday, Sep 12th from 4:30-6:30 PM.  We will have an open house format. You can visit your child’s classroom and their teacher, listen to the Principal’s Message, andContinue Reading

Welcome Back!

Welcome back, McGlone Teachers! Our principal, Mayorvy Cifuentes, along with the Instructional Leadership Team provided space for all teachers to reconnect, get to know each other, and reflect on the opportunities that we have in our hands to engage, challenge,Continue Reading

Ice Cream Social ⎮ Thursday, August 15th.

Join us for an Ice Cream Social from 4:00p to 5:30p. You will be able to dropped of school supplies in Classroom. Ùnase a nosotros para Socializar con Helado de 4:00p a 5:30p. Allí podràn dejar los ùtiles escolares enContinue Reading

Registration ⎮ Registraciones

Save time by updating your student’s information online! By completing this process using your Parent Portal account. To register online you must have an active DPS Parent Portal account. Ahorren tiempo al actualizar la información de su estudiante el línea!Continue Reading

School’s Out for Summer

Many thanks go to our community for a great school year! We wish everyone an enjoyable summer and I hope that wherever you may travel, “the wind is always at your back.” The McGlone Team

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