Category: Featured News

Spring Semester Classes

The Far Northeast Community Hub is currently enrolling participants for our Spring Classes. Please call the Community Hub at (720) 424-2961 to register for any of the following classes. Spanish Language Levels I and II (virtual) ESL Level I andContinue Reading

#DPSSchoolchoice Opens Jan 13

#DPSSchoolchoice is as easy as Find, Apply, Register! Use the School Finder and read the Enrollment Guide to find the schools for your student. Have your top schools ready when the SchoolChoice application opens on Jan. 13, 2023. Get moreContinue Reading

ACCESS Test 2023

Estimada Comunidad McGlone: A partir del 9 de enero, los estudiantes multilingües desde kindergarten hasta 8vo grado participarán en la evaluación ACCESS a nivel del estado para estudiantes que están aprendiendo inglés. Esta evaluación mide las destrezas del estudiante en inglés enContinue Reading

ECE and Kindergarten Winter Music Program

ECE and Kindergarten Winter Music Program featuring a variety of winter songs and holiday songs celebrated in December. Students worked diligently all quarter through a center’s approach to learn these different songs.  They learned a new song, and skill and put them into practice eachContinue Reading

Cronología del Proceso de Selección de Director(a) de McGlone

Timeline for McGlone Principal Selection Process  Now through October 31, 2022  Community Feedback via School Principal Input Survey closes October 31st @ 10 am (extended opportunity) Week of October 31-November 11, 2022 Collaborative Director and Operational Service Director meet withContinue Reading

Asistencia para la Cena Navideña

Este programa utiliza generosas donaciones de Compañeros de la Guardia y de la Comunidad para ayudar a proporcionar comida a los miembros del Servicio de la Guardia Nacional de Colorado y a familias durante las vacaciones de noviembre y diciembre.Continue Reading

Winter Spirit Week

This week is Spirit Week and we want all students to show school unity and spirit! Let’s have some dress-up fun as we head out for winter break! We have a lot of fun activities going on this week, concluding withContinue Reading

A Winter Music program

McGlone Academy ECE and Kindergarten invites you all to attend their Music Winter Program. The students have been working on the musical since November and are excited to finally show off all of their hard work! The winter music programContinue Reading

Native American Arts and Crafts Sale

The Lakota Way Healing Center is based on the indigenous Lakota spiritual values and virtues. They integrate the wisdom of our elders and the healing energy of ceremony to support people’s journey to spiritual connection and healing. They will beContinue Reading

MS students & Career Fair

What do you want to be when you grow up? This week, thousands of our students are starting to form an answer to this daunting question at the DPS Career Fair. To show them the world of opportunity that isContinue Reading

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