Category: Featured News

Mr. Mayorvy Cifuentes has been selected as the next leader at McGlone

February 17, 2023 Dear McGlone Academy Community, We are excited to announce that Mr. Mayorvy Cifuentes has been selected as the next leader at McGlone Academy for the 2022-2023 school year and beyond. We are confident Principal Cifuentes will continueContinue Reading

All DPS schools are delayed by two hours Thursday, Feb. 23.

Dear McGlone Academy School Families, Because of severe weather conditions, please note that on Thursday, February 23, Denver Public Schools will be operating on a two-hour delayed start schedule. Please, our students should follow their academy bell schedules. Respectfully, TheContinue Reading

McGlone Academy Flier

Due to building construction, we are asking that our students come to school with water since water fountains are unavailable. Tuesday, February 28th, please join us, from 3:30-5:30 PM., for a Black History Month Potluck Celebration. We’ll enjoy music andContinue Reading

100 Días de Escuela

Can you believe that this week February 8th will be our 100th day of school? Shocking we know, it feels like the 100,000th but we counted. In the Lobitos Academy, ECE-2, the kids will dress up as elderly/senior citizens. PleaseContinue Reading

Kindergarten at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Kindergarten kicked off their exciting new unit on dinosaurs by going to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science for an up-close hands-on experience that brings learning to life.  

Attend a Community Meeting: Principal Selection

We hope our students’ families will join us for a principal selection forum at McGlone Academy. During this meeting, you will hear from each of the finalists and have an opportunity to ask questions.

Universal Preschool (UPK) Colorado application

The Universal Preschool (UPK) Colorado application process is open now through Feb. 14 (Please note the UPK window closes Feb. 14 and not Feb. 15 as originally communicated.) As a reminder, ECE-3 and ECE-4 families must complete both a DPS SchoolChoice application and a UPKContinue Reading

DPS Schools are closed on Wednesday

Todas las escuelas, el Instituto Técnico Emily Griffith y oficinas administrativas de DPS estarán cerradas el miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023, debido al mal tiempo. Quedan cancelados también todos los eventos y actividades escolares, incluyendo todos los programas deContinue Reading

DPS School Choice

#DPSSchoolchoice season is here! You’ve done your research and now it’s time to rank your top schools. You can access the application online and get more information at Make sure to submit your application by Feb. 14, 2023, at 4Continue Reading

1st Grade Showcase | Exposición del 1er Grado

Thursday, January 19, will be the 1st Grade Showcase at 3:45 pm in the Auditorium.  Students have learned songs connecting to their curriculum study about animals and their habitats.  They have also been using their technology skills to import pictures ofContinue Reading

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