Welcome to McGlone Academy | ¡Bienvenidos y Bienvenidas!

At McGlone Academy we ensure all learners achieve excellence in academics and the arts, while simultaneously empowering kids, families, and staff in our Montbello community as diverse and equitable changemakers.

En McGlone Academy nos aseguramos de que todos los estudiantes alcancen la excelencia en lo académico y las artes, al mismo tiempo que empoderamos a los niños, las familias y el personal de nuestra comunidad de Montbello como agentes de cambio diversos y equitativos.

McGlone News | Noticias de McGlone

CMAS Info & Practice Resources

Dear McGlone Academy family: In April, our students begin taking CMAS, the Colorado Measures of Academic Success. Please read more information about CMAS testing at our school here: https://mcglone.dpsk12.org/cmas-resources/ Estimada Familia de la Academia McGlone: En el mes de abril,… Continue Reading

Stop Racism / Detener la Discriminación

Dear McGlone Community, On behalf of the Be Well Health and Wellness Initiative, we would like to invite you to join them for their February education series. The focus will be on racism and dismantling racist systems All February Tuesdays at 6:00 pm…. Continue Reading

Community Services

Por favor, vea los siguientes servicios que se ofrecen a la comunidad. Tenemos desde un cafecito hasta chequeos médicos. Estos servicios tienen como objetivo tener a todos los miembros de la comunidad sanos y fuertes así como unidos y unidas. Recuerden que estos servicios son libre de costo alguno…. Continue Reading

ACCESS Testing  | Jan 10th – 29th

ACCESS for ELLs is an English language proficiency assessment for Grades K–12. The test is administered every year to help school districts monitor the English language development of students identified as English language learners.  The test measures students’ abilities to understand and produce English used within school settings…. Continue Reading
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School Events | Eventos de la Escuela

Rigorous & Joyful Learning
Rigorous & Joyful Learning
Rigorous & Joyful Learning
Rigorous & Joyful Learning
Rigorous & Joyful Learning